HOUSING ON TORONTO'S MAIN STREETS With Dennis Pieprz This 1990 prize-winning entry for the Housing on Toronto's Main Streets International Competition explores the transitional zone between the public and private realms of the Danforth area. Building on Toronto's traditional block pattern, we define the street edge with a five- story brick-faced-wall building. Commercial space is at street level, offices and sixty dwelling units are above, and the roof is used for social amenities. Multistory bay windows interspersed with punched window openings set up a syncopated rhythm. Over-sailing the wall building is a metal cornice-like canopy that contributes to the continuity of the street. Through the wall building are three courtyards, one at grade with a mid-block garden and two raised one level above the street. Community spaces and dwelling units are grouped around these open spaces. |
Access to the upper levels is via a glazed gallery bridge whose detailing is inspired by the nearby 1919 Bloor Street Viaduct. Down a laneway, live/work studio houses overlook an allotment garden and greenhouse shared by Danforth area residents. |